SMB Digest Volume 19 Issue 13

SMB DIGEST ISSN 1086-6566 
April 3, 2019
This issue’s editor: Alex Fletcher (
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Issue's Topics:
     MBI Online Mathematical Biology Colloquium, Apr 17
     International Workshop on Fluctuations..., Leeds, Jul 2-5
     PhD Position: Phylogenetic comparative methods, Linkoping
     Postdoc: Neurobiology of Vocal Learning, Florida State
     Faculty Positions in Applied Analysis, Radboud University, Netherlands
     NSF webinars: Convergence Accelerator Pilot (NSF C-Accel)
     SMBnet Reminders


From: Tony Nance <>
Date: Apr 2, 2019, 1:27 PM
Subject: MBI Online Mathematical Biology Colloquium, Apr 17

MBI Online Mathematical Biology Colloquium
Wednesday April 17, 2019 at Noon Eastern Time

Denise Kirschner (Microbiology and Immunology, University of Michigan)

Building, Analyzing and Calibrating Multi-scale Models in 2D and 3D:
Tuberculosis as a Case Study

Details of how to participate can be found on the National Colloquium 
webpage below. To view this live event you will need to register on 
the event page. You may register at any time:

Next Online Colloquium
See you next Fall!


From: Matteo Cavaliere <>
Date: Mar 28, 2019, 9:24 AM
Subject: International Workshop on Fluctuations..., Leeds, Jul 2-5

International Workshop on Fluctuations, Tipping Points and Emergence 
in Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics
Leeds (UK), 2nd - 5th July 2019

The workshop will bring together researchers from different 
communities (maths, biology, physics and computer science) to address 
fundamental questions ranging from the role of stochasticity in 
complex biological systems to tipping points and the interplay of 
different temporal scales in eco-evolutionary dynamics. 

The 4-day workshop will consist of four main sessions:
* Evolutionary and ecological dynamics in fluctuating environments. 
* Eco-evolutionary dynamics: theory and experiments.
* Tipping points and resilience in eco-evolutionary dynamics. 
* Systems/Synthetic biology and evolutionary dynamics.

Confirmed keynote speakers are:
* Michael Assaf (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, IL)
* Elaine Crooks (University of Swansea, UK)
* Nigel Goldenfeld (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
* Alan Hastings (University of California, Davis, USA)
* Jose Jimenez (University of Surrey, UK)
* Stephan Klumpp (University of Göttingen, DE)
* Sara Mitri (Université de Lausanne, CH)

The workshop is funded by the EPSRC Network Plus and the School of 
Mathematics (University of Leeds). 

Attendance to the workshop is free and there is limited funding for 
PhD students. 

Deadline for Contributed Talks (applications through EasyChair): 
15th May 2019

Network Plus members should apply for funding by 15th May 2019


From: Krzysztof Bartoszek <>
Date: Mar 29, 2019, 2:27 PM
Subject: PhD Position: Phylogenetic comparative methods, Linkoping

At the Division of Statistics and Machine Learning, Department of
Computer Science, Linkoping University we have opened a PhD student in
Statistics position that is related to phylogenetic comparative


From: Richard Bertram <>
Date: Apr 1, 2019, 6:20 PM
Subject: Postdoc: Neurobiology of Vocal Learning, Florida State

Starting August 2019, a postdoctoral position is available for a 
period of up to 3 years with the Birdsong Research Group (Richard 
Bertram, Rick Hyson, Frank Johnson, Wei Wu) at Florida State 
University. The research group is funded by the NSF and studies the 
neural basis of the developmental learning and adult production of 
song in zebra finches ( Birdsong 
learning is controlled by a forebrain network that supports dynamic 
processes of learning, memory, perception, and action. The goal is to 
elucidate these processes at single-neuron and population levels of 
analysis and develop predictive biophysical and computational models 
of neural and behavioral function. The candidate will be working on 
these topics and experience in one or more of the following - 
electrophysiology, molecular anatomy, tract-tracing, computational 
methods - is preferable. Examples of the research group's publications 
can be found at

The research group is a part of the FSU Program in Neuroscience 
(, an interdisciplinary research-intensive 
training program that includes 35 faculty labs in the Departments of 
Biological Science, Biomedical Sciences, Mathematics, and Psychology. 
Our group encourages multidisciplinary science and candidates will 
have access to outstanding scientific facilities for a variety of 
research techniques targeting behavioral, physiological, cellular, 
molecular, and genetic levels of analysis, as well as multiple 
microscopy cores and instrument, electronics, and machine shops for 
customization of research needs. FSU is in the capital city of 
Tallahassee, which offers a culturally-rich and family-friendly 
environment with ready access to a variety of outdoor attractions, 
while maintaining a moderate cost of living.

Candidates are invited to send their curriculum vitae, a statement of 
interest, and a list of 3 individuals who could be contacted for 
reference to Richard Bertram, at

Application review will begin immediately and continue until the 
position is filled.


From: "Sonner, S. (Stefanie)" <>
Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2019 18:09:56
Subject: Faculty Positions in Applied Analysis, Radboud University, Netherlands

The Department of Mathematics at Radboud University Nijmegen has 
several open positions in Applied Mathematics, at all levels: full 
professor / associate professor / tenure track assistant professor

For further details, see

Deadline: April 17, 2019


From: Henry Warchall <>
Date: Mar 27, 2019, 3:51 PM
Subject: NSF webinars: Convergence Accelerator Pilot (NSF C-Accel)

Dear Colleagues,

The National Science Foundation will host a webinar (teleconference 
seminar) about the new NSF Convergence Accelerator Pilot (NSF C-Accel) 
funding opportunity.

The webinar will take place on Wednesday, March 27, 2019 from 2:00 to 
3:30 PM, EST (Eastern Daylight Time; GMT-04:00), and will be repeated 
on Wednesday, April 3, 2019 during the same time slot.

To participate, please see the information on the NSF Event page:

About the Convergence Accelerator Pilot:

The NSF Convergence Accelerator Pilot (NSF C-Accel) seeks to 
accelerate use-inspired convergence research in areas of national 
importance by facilitating convergent team-building capacity around 
exploratory, potentially high-risk proposals. The initiative reflects 
NSF's commitment to be at the cutting edge, supporting fundamental 
research while encouraging rapid advances through partnerships between 
academic and non-academic stakeholders. It will begin with three 
convergence tracks that align with two of NSF's 10 Big Idea themes: 
(1) Harnessing the Data Revolution for 21st-Century Science and 
Engineering (HDR) and (2) the Future of Work at the Human-Technology 
Frontier (FW-HTF).

These three tracks are:
* An Open Knowledge Network (as part of HDR);
* AI and Future Jobs (as part of FW-HTF); and
* A National Talent Ecosystem (as part of FW-HTF).

For more information, please see the Dear Colleague Letter NSF 19-050: 


Subject: SMBnet Reminders

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