SMB Digest Volume 19 Issue 8

SMB DIGEST ISSN 1086-6566 
March 1, 2019
This issue’s editor:


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Issue’s Topics:
Call for Abstracts Statistical Analysis of Neural Data
Canadian Bioinformatics Workshops 2019 Series
Algorithms and Models in Single-Cell Genomics Workshop June 6-7, Irvine
Conference Mathematical Models in Ecology and Evolution July 16-19, Lyon
Call for papers Mathematical Molecular Bioscience and Biophysics
Postdoc position at Harvard University
Postdoc position at Morton Arboretum institute
Bioinformatics job available in the NICHD
NSF webinar Quantum Leap Challenge Institutes
SMBnet Reminders


From: Byron Yu <>
Date: Sun., 24 Feb. 2019 at 1:16
Subject: Call for Abstracts Statistical Analysis of Neural Data

The ninth international workshop on Statistical Analysis of Neural
Data (SAND9) will take place on May 21-23, 2019, in Pittsburgh, PA.

March 20: Abstracts for Young Investigator Talks
(open to students, postdocs, or assistant professors; talks to be
selected by organizing committee)

March 25: Request for travel support
(most attendees will receive substantial travel support)

April 15: Abstracts for Contributed Posters

Abstract submission and more information can be found on the
SAND9 website:

Confirmed keynote speakers and panelists include:

Marlene Cohen, University of Pittsburgh
Xue Han, Boston University
Tim Harris, Janelia Farm
Elizabeth Hillman, Columbia
Dion Khodagholy, Columbia
Dayu Lin, NYU
Dan O’Connor, Johns Hopkins University
Bijan Persaran, NYU
Spencer Smith, University of California, Santa Barbara
Nick Steinmetz, University of Washington
Jonathan Viventi, Duke

The organizers are Zhe (Sage) Chen, Matthew Harrison, Rob Kass,
Sri Sarma, Byron Yu.


From: Canadian Bioinformatics Workshops <>
Date: Thu., 21 Feb., 2019 at 18:39
Subject: Canadian Bioinformatics Workshops 2019 Series

2019 Training Opportunities
The CBW is pleased to be offering the following advanced training
opportunities in 2019:

Introduction to R: Toronto, May 13 – 14, 2019
Exploratory Analysis of Biological Data using R: Toronto, May 15 -16, 2019
Informatics and Statistics for Metabolomics: Edmonton, May 27 – 28, 2019
Bioinformatics for Cancer Genomics: Toronto, June 3 – 7, 2019
Informatics for RNA-Seq Analysis: Toronto, June 12 – 14, 2019
Epigenomic Data Analysis: Montreal, June 18 – 19, 2019
Informatics on High-throughput Sequencing Data: Montreal, June 20 – 21, 2019
Pathway and Network Analysis of –omics Data: Toronto, June 26 – 28, 2019
Our full program poster can be found

Travel and registration awards available for eligible trainees.


From: Adam MacLean <>
Date: Mon., 25 Feb. 2019 at 16:30
Subject: Algorithms and Models in Single-Cell Genomics Workshop June 6-7, Irvine

Algorithms and Models in Single-Cell Genomics, June 6-7, 2019,
University of California, Irvine

Workshops 2019

The NSF-Simons Center at UC Irvine is excited to host a two day
workshop on the mathematical and theoretical methods that underlie
single-cell biology. It will bring together mathematical and
computational expertise with the next wave of single cell
technologies to address compelling biological questions. The workshop
is *free* to attend and a limited number of travel awards are
available to support early-career researchers. There are several
slots available for contributed talks under one of two themes:
“Research” or “Software”, as well as poster sessions. Applications to
attend are open via — priority
will be given to those with accompanying abstract submissions.
Application deadline: March 15.


Date: Tue., 26 Feb. 2019 at 11:44
Subject: Conference Mathematical Models in Ecology and Evolution July 16-19, Lyon

The next edition of the MMEE (Mathematical Models in
Ecology and Evolution) conference will take place in Lyon,
July 16 to 19, 2019. Confirmed plenary speakers are:
– Florence Débarre Institute of Ecology and Environmental
Sciences, Paris, France
– Jeremy Draghi Brooklyn College, City University of New-York,
New-York, NY, USA
– Steven Frank University of California, Irvine, CA, USA
– Thomas Hansen University of Oslo, Norway
– Thomas Lenormand Centre d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive,
Montpellier, France
– Joanna Masel University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA
– Armita Nourmohammad Max Planck institute of Göttingen, Germany,
and University of Washington at Seattle, USA

Proposals of talks and posters can be submitted until March 15.
Detailed instructions can be found here:, please
read carefully before submitting an abstract. Some mini-symposia
(listed here:
still accept contributions and it is possible to list one of them as a
topic for a talk at submission. Other topics have been defined to
facilitate the review process and the grouping into sessions.

The review process will begin shortly after March 15 so that attendees
can have time to prepare their visit. We have decided to proceed through
blind review (i.e. to mask the authors’ names and affiliations during the
review process); please try to prevent giving information about the authors
in the abstract. Note that parenting researchers are encouraged to apply,
as there should be an English-speaking childcare provider on site.


From: Zhao, Shan <>
Date: Fri., 1 Mar. 2019 at 11:34
Subject: Call for papers Mathematical Molecular Bioscience and Biophysics

The NSF-CBMS conference “Mathematical Molecular Bioscience and Biophysics”
will take place at The University of Alabama, USA on May 2019
( A special issue for this conference will appear
in the journal, Computational and Mathematical Biophysics (CMB).

Original papers and high-quality review articles are solicited from
participants of the conference. Moreover, submissions of contributions
are also welcome from researchers in the field who will not personally
attend the conference, on topics otherwise close to the special issue
themes. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

– Graph Theory Based Modeling and Analysis
– Algebraic Topology Based Modeling and Analysis
– de Rham-Hodge Theory Based Modeling and Analysis
– Differential Geometry Based Modeling and Analysis
– Biomolecular Solvation, Explicit and Implicit Solvation Models
– Modeling and Simulation of Ion Channel and Membrane;
– Numerical Methods and Biomolecular Simulations
– Molecular Dynamics, Brownian Dynamics, and Monte Carlo Simulations.
– Biomolecular Data and Deep Learning
– Application to Drug Design and Discovery

Guest editors: Dr. Shan Zhao (lead), University of Alabama, USA;
Dr. Weihua Geng, Southern Methodist University, USA; Dr. Duc Nguyen,
Michigan State University, USA. More information about this special
can be found at Prospective
authors should submit their manuscript online at

Important Dates:
Manuscript Due, June 1, 2019;
First round of reviews: July 15, 2019;
Anticipated publication date: November 1, 2019


From: Huang, May <>
Date: Mon., 25 Feb. 2019 at 16:45
Subject: Postdoc position at Harvard University

The Program for Evolutionary Dynamics (PED) at
Harvard University is seeking a mathematical biologist to work on
interdisciplinary research projects. A strong doctoral record is
required. Applicants should have excellent quantitative skills and
experience in mathematical modeling of biological systems.

Qualified candidates please submit a research statement, current
curriculum vitae, and two letters of reference via email to May Huang.

We highly encourage applications from female and other underrepresented
minority candidates. Harvard University is an equal opportunity employer
and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment
without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability
status, protected veteran status, gender identity, sexual orientation,
pregnancy and pregnancy-related conditions, or any other characteristic
protected by law. Hiring is contingent upon eligibility to work in the
United States.


From: Colleen Emrick <>
Date: Fri., 22 Feb. 2019 at 19:34
Subject: Postdoc position at Morton Arboretum institute

The Morton Arboretum is a world-class plant science research
institute and public botanic garden near Chicago, USA, with
research strengths in ecology, conservation, and genomics.
The Morton Arboretum has ongoing collaborations with scientists
at the Field Museum, University of Illinois Chicago, two National
Laboratories, the Brookfield Zoo, and Chicago Botanic Garden.

Applicants should have a Ph.D. (or Ph.D. defense scheduled in the
very near future) in the quantitative sciences (i.e., mathematical
biology, statistics, theoretical ecology, or related fields), OR
in an ecological field with demonstrated experience in quantitative
ecology. Experience in Bayesian statistics, spatial modeling,
state-space modeling, or mathematical modeling is preferred.
Some experience in computer programming is preferred. Other
desired qualifications include a strong work ethic, problem-solving
and time management skills, and experience communicating scientific
results. Applicants should demonstrate interest in working at the
interface of statistics and ecology, and in contributing to a
growing open-source project.

The postdoctoral researcher will be provided opportunities for
professional development, depending on their interests, including
attending international scientific meetings, and mentoring in code
development and scientific ethics. Other opportunities could include
involvement in outreach (e.g., curriculum development, workshop
implementation), supervising undergraduate researchers, networking,
and participation in workshops and short courses. The postdoctoral
researcher will have freedom to identify and attend relevant opportunities,
for which funding will be provided.

The position is funded for two years, with possibility for continuing
support pending future funding success. The postdoctoral researcher will
be based at The Morton Arboretum and will primarily work with Dr. Sean
Hoban, Dr. Andria Dawson (Mount Royal University, Calgary), and Dr. Adam
Smith (Missouri Botanical Garden). The position will require some travel
to work with collaborators at Mount Royal University and the Missouri
Botanical Garden, as well as attend team meetings and workshops. All travel
costs are covered by grant funds.

Application materials must include four documents concatenated into two
PDFs as follows. Relevant qualifications and skills should be clearly
highlighted in the cover letter and CV.

One document to include:

1-2 page cover letter describing your qualifications and your interest
in the project (project is described at
evidence of scientific outputs (e.g. writing samples such as publications,
dissertation, unpublished manuscripts, technical reports) names and contact
information for three references

Second document to include: CV/Resume

Applications may be submitted until the position is filled; applications
received by April 15 are guaranteed consideration. A start date of Fall
2019 or earlier is preferred. Applicants must apply at Inquiries about the job or
the application process are welcome- please contact Dr. Sean Hoban
(, Dr. Adam Smith (, or Dr. Andria
Dawson (

The Morton Arboretum is an equal opportunity employer committed to achieving
a diverse workforce.


From: Mejia, Raymond <>
Date: Sun, Feb 24, 2019 at 10:01 AM
Subject: Bioinformatics job available in the NICHD

Bioinformatics in developmental biology

A position is available to use computational methods to study
development in the NICHD Bioinformatics and Scientific
Programming Core and the NICHD Division of Developmental
Biology (DDB) in Bethesda, Maryland. The successful applicant
will work closely with DDB investigators using a variety of
animal models and with the NICHD Bioinformatics and Scientific
Programming Core to develop and apply bioinformatic approaches
to study developmental biology research topics including
vascular development, developmental epigenetics, behavioral
neurogenetics, collective cell migration, and neural patterning
and development.

If you are interested, please apply directly through
the link below. All qualified candidates will be contacted by
a member of the Kelly Government Solutions Team:


From: Henry Warchall <>
Date: Mon., 25 Feb. 2019 at 16:07
Subject: NSF webinar Quantum Leap Challenge Institutes

The National Science Foundation will hold a webinar (teleconference
seminar) to outline the goals of, and proposal-submission requirements
for, the new program Quantum Leap Challenge Institutes (QLCI).

The webinar will take place on Wednesday, March 13, 2019 from 3:30
to 4:30 PM, EST (Eastern Standard Time; GMT-05:00). To participate,
please see the information on the NSF Event page for the webinar:

Participants may submit questions about QLCI proposal development and
submission by sending e-mail to: . Questions received by
March 8, 2019 will be given first priority for inclusion in the webinar.

Program Synopsis (NSF 19-559):

Quantum Leap Challenge Institutes are large-scale interdisciplinary
research projects that aim to advance the frontiers of quantum
information science and engineering. Research at these Institutes
will span the focus areas of quantum computation, quantum
communication, quantum simulation, and/or quantum sensing.
The institutes are expected to foster multidisciplinary approaches
to specific scientific, technological, and educational workforce
development goals in these fields. Two types of awards will be
supported under this program:
(i) 12-month Conceptualization Grants (CGs) to support teams
envisioning subsequent Institute proposals and
(ii) 5-year Challenge Institute (CI) awards to establish
and operate Quantum Leap Challenge Institutes.


Subject: SMBnet Reminders
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Recent editions of SMB Digest are available on the SMB Home
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