December 11, 2018
- Karina Vilches (kvilchesponce@gmail.com)
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may be found in the SMB Home Page, www.smb.org/.
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of SMB, at www.springer.com/11538.
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Issue’s Topics:
MBI Online Mathematical Biology Colloquium December 12
NSF teleconference seminar 3:00 pm Wednesday December 12
AlCoB May 28-30 2019 2nd call for papers
New articles in Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews
New Springer Books in December
VCell 7.1 Release
Call for nominations to the 2019 Taubman Prize
PhD studentship opportunities School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
PhD studentship University of Leeds UK
Postdoc positions NMBU Norway
Postdoc position UC Davis
NRC Research Associateship Programs Postdoctoral and Senior Research Awards
Assistant professor open positions University of California
Lecture open positions in Mathematical Biology University of York
Open positions at Pfizer
SMBnet Reminders
From: Tony Nance <tony@mbi.osu.edu>
Date: Tue., Dec. 4 2018 at 9:45
Subject: MBI Online Mathematical Biology Colloquium December 12
MBI Online Mathematical Biology Colloquium.
Wednesday, December 12, 2018, at Noon Eastern Time
Mark Lewis (Canada Research Chair in Mathematical Biology, University of
Using Mathematics to Understand Animal Movement Patterns.
Details of how to participate can be found on the National Colloquium webpage
To view this live event you will need to register on the event page.
You may register at any time
From: Henry Warchall <hwarchal@nsf.gov>
Date: Tue., Nov. 27 2018 at 17:29
Subject: NSF teleconference seminar 3:00 pm Wednesday December 12
Dear Colleagues,
The National Science Foundation will hold a teleconference seminar to outline the
goals of, and proposal-submission requirements for, the NSF program Algorithms
for Modern Powers Systems (AMPS). There will be a question-and-answer session
following the presentation.
The seminar will take place on Wednesday, December 12, 2018 from 3:00 to 4:00 pm,
EST (Eastern Standard Time; GMT-05:00). To participate, please see the
information on the NSF Event page for the seminar:
From: IRDTA <irdta@irdta.eu>
Date: Mon., Dec. 3 2018 at 17:25
Subject: AlCoB May 28-30 2019 2nd call for papers
AlCoB 2019 Berkeley, California, USA May 28-30, 2019
Co-organized by:
University of California, Berkeley
Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice, Brussels/London
Authors are invited to submit non-anonymized papers in English presenting
original and unpublished research. Papers should not exceed 12 single-spaced
pages (all included) and should be prepared according to the standard format for
Springer Verlag’s LNCS series
(see www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0).
Submissions have to be uploaded to:
The registration form can be found at:
Paper submission: January 12, 2019
Notification of paper acceptance or rejection: February 19, 2019
Final version of the paper for the LNCS/LNBI proceedings: February 26, 2019
Early registration: February 26, 2019
Late registration: May 14, 2019
Submission to the journal special issue: August 30, 2019
From: Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews
Date: Sun, 2 Dec. 2018 at 12:49
Subject: New articles in Wiley Interdisciplinary Review
See onlinelibrary.wiley.com/toc/1939005x/0/0
From: <SpringerAlerts@springeronline.com>
Date: Tue., Dec. 4 2018 at 14:44
Subject: New Springer Books in December
Springer Visit us at the language of science springer.com
>> Mathematical and Computational Biology <<
MicroRNA Regulatory Network: Structure and Function Liu, Zengrong; Shen, Jianwei;
Cai, Shuiming; Yan, Fang Editor/s: Author/s: Shen, Jianwei ; Yan, Fang ; Cai,
Shuiming ; Liu, Zengrong
Recent Advances in Mathematical and Statistical Methods
Book Series: Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Vol. 259
Editor/s: Kilgour, D. Marc; Kunze, Herb; Makarov, Roman; Melnik, Roderick; Wang,
Xu Editor/s: Kunze, Herb ; Makarov, Roman ; Wang, Xu ; Kilgour, D. Marc ; Melnik,
Roderick Author/s: www.springer.com/gp/book/9783319997193
Understanding Complex Biological Systems with Mathematics
Book Series: Association for Women in Mathematics Series, Vol. 14
Editor/s: Radunskaya, Ami; Segal, Rebecca; Shtylla, Blerta Editor/s: Radunskaya,
Ami ; Shtylla, Blerta ; Segal, Rebecca Author/s:
Sign up for Journal Alerts Register here for Springer’s email services providing
you with info on the latest journals in your
Springer-Verlag GmbH Heidelberg, Tiergartenstrasse 17,
69121 Heidelberg, Germany, phone: +49 6221 487 0, fax: +49 6221 487 8366
(c) Springer 2018, springer.com
From: F Morgan <frm@UCHC.EDU>
Sent: Fri., Nov. 30, 2018 2:35 AM
Subject: VCell 7.1 Release
We are happy to announce the release of v.7.1.
In addition to minor bug fixes and stability improvements.
It has expanded the functionality of the VCell database. Specifically:
· New “VCellGuest” login gives access to all public models and desktop
VCell functionality, without requiring registration.
· New “Published Models” database folders for both BioModels and MathModels.
They collect models used within publications; includes direct Pubmed links and
journal DOIs for ~200 VCell models.
· Improved model database info panel with clickable Pubmed links and DOIs,
annotations, and model provenance.
· New power user feature allowing for very long simulation runtimes
(more than 21 days).
Please try it out at vcell.org/run-vcell-software or simply launch your
current VCell installation to automatically upgrade.
From: Santiago Schnell <schnells@umich.edu>
Date: Sat., Dec. 1. 2018 at 11:59
Subject: Call for nominations to the 2019 Taubman Prize
Dear Colleagues,
This message is to inform you of an opportunity that may be of interest to your
institution’s biomedical researchers. I would be very grateful if you can
circulate it in your department and institution.
The Taubman Institute at the University of Michigan has opened the nomination
period for the 2019 Taubman Prize for Excellence in Translational Medical
Science. The awardee, to be selected by a national panel of past prize recipients
and other leaders in academic medicine, will receive $100,000 and be hosted at
University of Michigan in Ann Arbor for a two-day visiting professorship.
The Taubman Prize was established in 2011 to recognize significant research
findings that have made an impact on the care of patients and treatment of
The deadline for entries is Feb. 1, 2019. We would be grateful if you could
inform your faculty members of the opportunity offered by the Taubman Prize to
reward those doing important work in translational research. Please note that
nominees no longer need hold an MD degree; the prize is open to PhD researchers
as well.
Contest rules and nomination form, along with a list of previous years’ winners,
are available at www.taubmaninstitute.org/taubman-prize/
From: Emilia Vynnycky <Emilia.Vynnycky@phe.gov.uk>
Date: Mon., Dec. 3 2018 at 9:07
Subject: PhD studentship opportunities School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Two MRC LID iCASE PhD studentship opportunities in infectious disease modelling
are available jointly between London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and
Public Health England:
1. Measuring the health and economic burden of antibiotic resistance in
healthcare-associated infections to aid investment in prevention and control
2. Estimating the effect of tuberculosis patient and healthcare delays on
the infectiousness of tuberculosis cases
These projects suit applicants with a strong quantitative background. As iCASE
studentships, they provide students with an experience of collaborative research
with Public Health England, provide access to a wider than-usual range facility
and expertise and enable the student to spend a period of time with Public Health
The deadline for applications is Sunday 13 January 2019. See mrc-
lid.lshtm.ac.uk/apply/ for the application process.
Further details about MRC LID iCASE studentships and the MRC LID scheme are
available from the following links:
From: Carmen Molina-Paris <C.MolinaParis@leeds.ac.uk>
Date: Fri., Dec. 7 2018 at 12:50
Subject: PhD studentship University of Leeds UK
From: Jon Olav Vik <jonovik@gmail.com>
Date: Tue., Dec. 4 2018 at 9:28
Subject: Postdoc positions NMBU Norway
Two researcher/postdoctoral positions in systems biology modelling (NMBU, Ås,
Norway) Application deadline: Saturday 2018-12-15. Email enquiries welcome: Jon
Olav Vik, jon.vik.@nmbu.no. The Norwegian University of Life Sciences has two
vacant researcher or postdoc positions (up to two years) in systems biology of
Atlantic salmon metabolism.
Main tasks:
1. Develop and validate genome-scale and tissue-specific metabolic
reconstructions for salmon
2. Use these models to interpret multi-omics data from experiments on omega-3
metabolism under fish- vs plant-based feed, freshwater vs seawater, and more.
Develop a test suite of metabolic function for automatic quality control,
documentation and benchmarking of our models.
Three-minute animated film about the project: youtu.be/hl4b4Q8Hik0
Full advertisement and online application form:
From: Alan Hastings <amhastings@ucdavis.edu>
Date: Thu., Nov. 29 2018 at 20:32
Subject: Postdoc position UC Davis
Position Summary
Alan Hastings, Jon Machta and Karen Abbott are seeking a postdoc to work on
problems at the interface between statistical physics and theoretical spatial
ecology. This position will be supported by our recently awarded NSF grant,
RoL:FELS:RAISE: Integrating statistical physics and nonlinear dynamics to
understand emergent synchrony and phase transitions in biological systems. The
ideal individual will have expertise in statistical physics including
computational methods and the theory of phase transitions, as well as some
experience with models of biological systems, particularly spatial ecological
systems. The position will be based at UC Davis and there will be opportunities
to spend time both at the University of Massachusetts Amherst (Machta) and at
Case Western Reserve University (Abbott).
The ideal start date will be between July 1, 2019 and September 1, 2019. The
initial term will be 1 year with extension for up to two more years with
satisfactory performance. Salary and benefits are competitive. The University
of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer with a strong
institutional commitment to the development of a climate that supports equality
of opportunity and respect for diversity.
Under the guidance of the PI’s, the postdoc will develop and analyze models
inspired by statistical physics to describe the dynamics of spatially coupled
oscillating ecological systems and use these models to understand data from
ecological systems.
How to apply:
Email a cover letter describing your background and interests in the position,
cv, and contact information for 3 references to Alan Hastings
(amhastings@ucdavis.edu). The position is open until filled.
From: NASEM Research Associateship Programs <rap@nas.edu>
Date: Tue., Dec. 4 2018 at 14:44
Subject: NRC Research Associateship Programs Postdoctoral and Senior Research
From: Mark Alber <malber@ucr.edu>
Date: Thu., Nov. 29 2018 at 14:45
Subject: Assistant professor open positions University of California
Three Assistant Professor level applied and computational mathematics
positions in the Mathematics Department, University of California, Riverside.
The anticipated hire date for all three positions is July 1, 2019.
The first position will be filled at the Assistant Professor level
with the starting date of July 1, 2019:
Applications are welcome from those with strong interdisciplinary
background in any area of applied mathematics. Preference will be
given to applicants in Computational Modeling of Fluids and Stochastic
Modeling with Applications.
Two additional positions are open for Joint Postdoctoral Fellowships / Junior
Faculty Positions for Emerging Scholars in Applied Mathematics. While these will
also be filled at the level of Assistant Professor, they provide an exciting
opportunity for highly-qualified emerging scholars
who are preparing to transition into the professoriate, offering an initial year
of postdoctoral fellowship research support and training anywhere
in the United States in 2019-2020 prior to their move to UC Riverside
on July 1, 2020 as a tenure-track faculty member.
Applications are welcome from those with a strong interdisciplinary
background in any area of applied mathematics. Preference will be given
to applicants in Computational Modeling of Fluids, Stochastic Modeling
with Applications, Optimization, Multi-scale Modeling in Biology
and Computational Methods for Nonlinear PDEs.
From: Martin Bees <martin.bees@york.ac.uk>
Date: Thu., Nov. 22 2018 at 7:47
Subject: Lecturer open positions in Mathematical Biology University of York
1) Lecturer in Mathematical Biology in the Department of Mathematics
The Department of Mathematics is seeking to appoint a Lecturer in Mathematical
Biology to contribute to the continued strength of this field at York. The
successful candidate will bring distinctive research quality to our research
group in Mathematical Biology and Chemistry, which encompasses research interests
in biological fluid dynamics, virology, ecology, physiology, chemical statistics
and systems biology. You will contribute to teaching within the Department of
Closing Date: 10th Dec 2018
2) Lecturer in Mathematical or Computational Biology in the Department of Biology
The appointment is within the “Bioinformatics and Mathematical Biology” Research
Focus. The successful candidate will join a thriving group of mathematical and
computational researchers spanning the life sciences. We encourage applicants
taking a quantitative approach to biology, seeking to explain biological
phenomena through mathematical or statistical analysis and modelling. We are
particularly interested in candidates using large data sets and mathematical or
computational approaches to provide new biological insight and/or hypotheses for
experimental testing. You will contribute to teaching within the Department of
Closing Date: 16th Dec 2018
From: Allen, Richard <Richard.Allen@pfizer.com>
Date: Thu., Dec. 6 2018 at 20:22
Subject: Open positions at Pfizer
Pfizer currently has several positions in Cambridge MA. Many SMB members would be
compelling candidates – particularly if you can demonstrate experience building
ODE systems models. Positions are available at several levels:
Current postdocs are typically considered for the “Senior Quantitative Systems
Pharmacologist” level. If you are interested, or perhaps are curious about what a
career in industry is like, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly
Subject: SMBnet Reminders
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for inclusion in the SMBnet archive. See instructions at:
Recent editions of SMB Digest are available on the SMB Home Page at
www.smb.org/digest/, while older editions are available at