November 22, 2018
- Alexander Fletcher (digest.alex@gmail.com)
Additional information about the Society for Mathematical Biology
may be found in the SMB Home Page, www.smb.org/.
Access the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (BMB), the official journal
of SMB, at www.springer.com/11538.
Inquiries about membership or BMB fulfillment should be sent to
Issue’s Topics:
BMB, Vol. 80, Issue 12 – New Issue Alert
Threshold Networks Workshop, Nottingham, Jul 22-24
Upcoming Math and Statistics Events at the National Academies
MS/PhD Position: Bayesian statistics, Univ. of Florida, USA
PhD positions: CCMC, Lugano, Switzerland
PhD Positions: Biomathematics, Exeter, UK
PhD Position: Experimental/mathematical biology, Bath, UK
PhD Position: Mathematical modelling of AMR, St Andrews, UK
Postdocs: Neurobiology of Language, Univ. of Texas in Houston, USA
Ass Prof/Assoc Prof/Prof in Mathematics, Heriot-Watt, UK
NSF Mathematical Sciences Graduate Internship opportunities
NIH Update: Protecting the Integrity of Research, Inclusion Policy…
SMBnet Reminders
From: Springer <springer@alerts.springer.com>
Date: Nov 19, 2018, 1:20 AM
Subject: BMB, Vol. 80, Issue 12 – New Issue Alert
Table of contents for Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. Volume 80
Number 12 is now available online.
From: Stephen Coombes Stephen.Coombes@nottingham.ac.uk
Date: Fri, Nov 16, 5:21 PM (5 days ago)
Subject: Threshold Networks Workshop, Nottingham, Jul 22-24
Threshold Networks
July 22 – 24, 2019
Nottingham, UK
This workshop will bring together a community of people interested in both
networks and dynamics, with an eye to both mathematical tractability and
applications to biology, engineering, physics, and the social sciences. The
emphasis will be on ‘thresholds’ in their broadest sense as exemplified by
node dynamics or interactions that are described by simple, yet possibly
non-smooth or discontinuous switch-like processes. The workshop will cover
both theory and applications.
Further details of this meeting and how to register may be found at
Scientific Organisers
Yi Ming Lai, Rüdiger Thul, and Stephen Coombes, University of Nottingham
Mason A. Porter, UCLA
Enquiries should be sent to: ThresholdNetworks2019@nottingham.ac.uk
From: NASEM Math and Statistics <mschwalbe@nas.edu>
Date: Thursday, November 15, 2018 1:29 PM
Subject: Upcoming Math and Statistics Events at the National Academies
Data Science, Epidemics, and Urban Sustainability: Upcoming Math and
Statistics Events at the National Academies
See www.eventbrite.com/o/nasem-math-and-statistics-10629285786
From: Valle,Denis R <drvalle@ufl.edu>
Date: Nov 15, 2018, 8:55 PM
Subject: MS/PhD Position: Bayesian statistics, Univ. of Florida, USA
Dr. Denis Valle, Assistant Professor in the School of Forest Resources and
Conservation at the University of Florida (UF), is seeking a MS/PhD graduate
research assistant with strong interest in statistical modeling applications.
Dr. Valle is affiliated with the Tropical Conservation and Development
program (www.tcd.ufl.edu/) and the Emerging Pathogens Institute
(www.epi.ufl.edu/) at UF. Research in Dr. Valle’s group focuses on
tackling important applied problems in environmental sciences and malaria
epidemiology by creating and using innovative Bayesian statistical models.
Examples of ongoing research projects can be found at
denisvalle.weebly.com. Given the wide range of problems tackled by
this group, there is considerable flexibility regarding the specific
scientific application. Nevertheless, this position will involve the
development and application of novel Bayesian models and interactive tools
to aid decision-making.
For more details, see:
From: Simone Pezzuto <junki.gnu@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2018 10:41:47 +0100
Subject: PhD positions: CCMC, Lugano, Switzerland
The Center for Computational Medicine in Cardiology (CCMC), Università della
Svizzera italiana, is seeking for two highly motivated PhD students, one in
numerical analysis and computational science, and another in biomedical
engineering, to develop innovative numerical methods for simulating atrial
fibrillation and therapeutic options in patient-specific models.
We offer two 3-year PhD positions in a multidisciplinary, international and
inspiring environment. The positions are full-time and salary in accordance
to regulations of Università della Svizzera italiana.
CCMC is an interdisciplinary entity within the Institute of Computational
Science (ICS) of the Università della Svizzera italiana, based in Lugano.
This center has a highly international and interdisciplinary team with
scientists whose background is in mathematics, computer science, biomedical
engineering, and clinical cardiology. Projects are running both on the
development of new methods and tools for large-scale cardiac simulations and
on data analysis and simulation studies on clinically relevant questions.
For further information can be found at the address
From: Tsaneva, Krasimira <K.Tsaneva-Atanasova@exeter.ac.uk>
Date: Nov 17, 2018, 1:16 PM
Subject: PhD Positions: Biomathematics, Exeter, UK
A number of Open PhD Positions are available in the Tsaneva-Atanasova at the
University of Exeter:
1) Building a model of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal (HPG) axis.
Apply: www.exeter.ac.uk/studying/funding/award/?id=3285
2) Debugging Lung Disease: Applying mathematical modelling for a precision
medicine approach to the Pulmonary Microbiome.
Apply: www.exeter.ac.uk/studying/funding/award/?id=3053
3) Non-linear Dynamics of Human Locomotion.
Apply: srs.exeter.ac.uk/urd/sits.urd/run/siw_ipp_lgn.login?process=siw_ipp_app&code1=SSHIPDUM000038&code2=0002
4) Interactive virtual reality for individuals with complex PTSD.
Apply: srs.exeter.ac.uk/urd/sits.urd/run/siw_ipp_lgn.login?process=siw_ipp_app&code1=SSHIPDUM000038&code2=0002
5) Noise-cancelling technology for clock neurones.
Apply: srs.exeter.ac.uk/urd/sits.urd/run/siw_ipp_lgn.login?process=siw_ipp_app&code1=SSHIPDUM000038&code2=0002
From: Ruth Bowness <rec9@st-andrews.ac.uk>
Date: Nov 21, 2018, 1:01 PM
Subject: PhD Position: Mathematical modelling of AMR, St Andrews, UK
PhD place available at the University of St Andrews with Dr Ruth Bowness
(ruthbowness.com) on mathematical modelling of antibiotic resistant
infections. Working in both the Mathematical Biology group and the Infection
roup within the School of Medicine, and with supervision also from Professor
Mark Chaplain and Dr Tommaso Lorenzi. The position is funded by the Academy
of Medical Sciences.
See www.findaphd.com/search/projectDetails.aspx?PJID=96295 or
contact Dr Bowness at rec9@st-andrews.ac.uk for more details.
From: Kit Yates <C.Yates@bath.ac.uk>
Date: Nov 15, 2018, 4:23 PM
Subject: PhD Position: Experimental/mathematical biology, Bath, UK
The groups of Dr Kit Yates and Professor Robert Kelsh at the University of
Bath are advertising a PhD studentship in experimental/mathematical biology:
Endothelin signaling, enteric nervous system and Hirschsprung disease in
For more details see:
From: Woolnough, Oscar <Oscar.Woolnough@uth.tmc.edu>
Date: Nov 16, 2018, 4:43 PM
Subject: Postdocs: Neurobiology of Language, Univ. of Texas in Houston, USA
Multiple Postdoctoral research positions are available in the Tandon Lab at
The University of Texas in Houston as part of the newly formed Texas
Epilepsy Neurotechnologies and Neuroinformatics (TENN) Institute. Positions
are funded either via multi year Institute funding or by NIH funds (an R01
and a U01). The lab uses multimodal approaches – fMRI, lesional analysis
following epilepsy surgery, intracranial recordings and direct stimulation
to create validate network level representations of language. Lab
Collaborators include Greg Hickok (UCI), Stanislas Dehaene (NeuroSpin),
Nathan Crone (JHU), Simon Fisher Baum (Rice) and Xaq Pitkow (Rice-Baylor);
the post-doc will benefit from a close interaction with these experts in the
fields of reading, semantics, speech production and computational
For more details, see: www.tandonlab.org/jobs/
From: White, Andrew R <A.R.White@hw.ac.uk>
Date: Nov 19, 2018, 11:26 AM
Subject: Ass Prof/Assoc Prof/Prof in Mathematics, Heriot-Watt, UK
he Department of Mathematics at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh,
Scotland are seeking to make one or more academic appointments to enhance
existing research strengths in the Department. We would welcome,
particularly, applicants with expertise in the areas of applied mathematics
or computational mathematics and applicants whose research has the potential
for industrial or interdisciplinary connections. Details can be found here:
Applications can be submitted up to midnight (UK time) on Wednesday 9
January 2019
From: Henry Warchall <hwarchal@nsf.gov>
Date: Nov 19, 2018, 6:19 PM
Subject: NSF Mathematical Sciences Graduate Internship opportunities
The National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Mathematical Sciences
(DMS) aims to provide opportunities to enrich the training of graduate
students in the mathematical sciences through the provision of an NSF
Mathematical Sciences Graduate Internship Program. This program provides
opportunities for mathematical sciences doctoral students to participate in
internships at federal national laboratories, industry, and other approved
Participation in an internship will provide first-hand experience of the use
of mathematics in a nonacademic setting. The internships are aimed at
students who are interested in understanding the application of advanced
mathematical and statistical techniques to “real world” problems, regardless
of whether the student plans to pursue an academic or nonacademic career.
Please see orise.orau.gov/nsf-msgi/default.html for details and
instructions on how to apply.
Application deadline: January 15, 2019
From: NIH Extramural Nexus (NIH/OD) <ExtramuralNexus@mail.nih.gov>
Date: Thu, Nov 15, 2018 at 7:07 PM
Subject: NIH Update: Protecting the Integrity of Research, Inclusion Policy…
NIH Update: Protecting the Integrity of Research, Inclusion Policy, Updated
Grants Policy Statement
See list.nih.gov/cgi-bin/wa.exe?A2=ind1811&L=extramuralnexus&F=&S=&P=68.
Subject: SMBnet Reminders
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