July 25, 2018
- Richard Schugart (richard.schugart@gmail.com)
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Issue’s Topics:
Springer: Celebrating the Year of Mathematical Biology
MSC: Seeking Input on Mathematical Subject Classification
NSF-Simons Center: Opportunities, Multiscale Cell Fate…, UCI
Meeting: Simulations of Intracellular Processes, 24-25 Sep, UK
CfP: Comp. Intelligent Methods…Neuronal Big Data, Dec 7, US
Conference: SIAM CSE19, Submission Deadlines Extended
PhD Position: Modelling Novel Antimicrobial Molecules, U Leeds
PhD Position: Collective Decision Making, Massey U, New Zealand
Post-doc: …of Insecticide Resistance in Mosquitoes, NC St U
Post-docs: EPSRC Centre for Predictive Modelling…, U Exeter
NSF: Update from DMS Division Director
SMBnet Reminders
From: Springer <springer@newsletter.springer.com>
Date: Sun, Jul 22, 2018 at 9:19 PM
Subject: Springer: Celebrating the Year of Mathematical Biology
Welcome to the Year of Mathematical Biology 2018 at Springer!
The Year of Mathematical Biology 2018 is a joint venture of the European
Mathematical Society (EMS) and the European Society for Mathematical and
Theoretical Biology (ESMTB). The main objectives are to celebrate the
huge increase and importance of applications of mathematics to biology
and life sciences in the last years and to foster the feedback loop
between life sciences and mathematics for years to come.
We are taking this opportunity to highlight our journals and books in
the area of mathematical biology and invite you to browse our
publications and read some free articles! All free to read until the end
of August with open access articles permanently free. More information
can be found at
From: Santiago Schnell <schnells@umich.edu>
Date: Wed, Jul 18, 2018 at 5:21 PM
Subject: MSC: Seeking Input on Mathematical Subject Classification
Mathematical Reviews (MR) and zbMATH cooperate in maintaining the
Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC), which is used by these
reviewing services, publishers, and others to categorize items in the
mathematical sciences literature. The current version, MSC2010, consists
of 63 areas classified with two digits refined into over 5000 three- and
five-digit classifications. Details of MSC2010 can be found at
www.msc2010.org or www.ams.org/msc/msc2010.html and
The next version, MSC2020, is being developed, and organizers are
seeking input from active researchers. The editors solicit input from
researchers in all areas of mathematics, but especially in applied
mathematics and interdisciplinary studies, and have emphasized that data
science is an area that needs particular updating.
For more, visit msc2020.org. To submit suggestions, create an account
with MSC2020, or send an email to feedback@msc2020.org.
From: Qing Nie <qnie@math.uci.edu>
Date: Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 12:19 PM
Subject: NSF-Simons Center: Opportunities, Multiscale Cell Fate…, UCI
The NSF-Simons Center on Multiscale Cell Fate Research at University of
California, Irvine (cellfate.uci.edu/) has several exciting
opportunities for researchers working at the interface between biology
and mathematics. During the next three months, there are four major
a) Multiple job openings for the center postdoctoral fellows:
b) Annual Symposium (October 1-2, 2018):
c) Interdisciplinary Opportunity Award (joint with the Annual Symposium):
d) Convergence Acceleration Team program:
From: Radek Erban <erban@maths.ox.ac.uk>
Date: Wed, Jul 25, 2018 at 5:25 AM
Subject: Meeting: Simulations of Intracellular Processes, 24-25 Sep, UK
Multi-resolution simulations of intracellular processes
The Royal Society at Chicheley Hall, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom
24 – 25 September 2018
Overview: Multi-resolution methods for spatio-temporal modelling of
intracellular processes have potential to bridge the gap between
all-atom molecular dynamics simulations and stochastic
reaction-diffusion models in the macroscopic limit. This scientific
meeting will bring together mathematicians, biophysicists and
computational biologists to discuss the development of new
multi-resolution methods, the analysis of their accuracy, convergence
and efficiency, and biological applications.
More information on the speakers and programme is available here:
From: Mufti Mahmud <muftimahmud@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 11:54 AM
Subject: CfP: Comp. Intelligent Methods…Neuronal Big Data, Dec 7, US
Call for Paper for Special Session on Computationally Intelligent
Methods in Processing and Analysis of Neuronal Big Data
11th Brain Informatics Conference (BI 2018), Arlington, Texas, USA,
December 7-9, 2018
Web: uta.engineering/conferences/bi-2018/
Important dates:
-Paper submission deadline: 30 July 2018
-Decision notification: 30 August 2018
-Special Session date: 7 December 2018
-Conference dates: 8-9 December 2018
From: Frank W. Kunkle <Kunkle@siam.org>
Date: Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 11:54 AM
Subject: Conference: SIAM CSE19, Submission Deadlines Extended
Conference Name: SIAM Conference on Computational Science and
Engineering (CSE19)
Location: Spokane Convention Center, Spokane, Washington, USA
Dates: February 25-March 1, 2019
The Call for Presentations for this conference is available at:
Twitter hashtag: #cse19
August 15, 2018: Minisymposium Proposal Submissions
September 5, 2018: Contributed Lecture, Minisymposia, Poster and
Minisymposteria Presentation Abstracts
August 8, 2018: SIAM Student Travel Award and Post-doc/Early Career
Travel Award Applications
About CSE19: www.siam.org/conferences/CM/Main/cse19
For additional information, contact the SIAM Conference Department
From: James Smith <J.Smith252@leeds.ac.uk>
Date: Sat, Jul 21, 2018 at 8:52 AM
Subject: PhD Position: Modelling Novel Antimicrobial Molecules, U Leeds
PhD Studentship: Molecular Dynamics and First Principles Modelling of
Novel Antimicrobial Molecules
University of Leeds
Qualification type: PhD
Location:Leeds, UK
Funding for: UK Students, EU Students
Funding amount: A maintenance grant (living expenses) of £15,500 a year
Value: Due to funding restrictions this position is only available for
UK or EU candidates. The PhD is fully funded for 3 years. The
studentship covers all tuition and bench fees, and provides a
maintenance grant (living expenses) of £15,500 a year tax-free.
From: Thomas Pfeiffer <pfeiffer.massey@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Jul 22, 2018 at 10:35 PM
Subject: PhD Position: Collective Decision Making, Massey U, New Zealand
A PhD student scholarship is currently open for application in Thomas
Pfeiffer’s group at Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand. The
successful applicant will contribute to a project on collective
decision-making through decision markets that is supported by the
Marsden Fund, New Zealand’s leading funding agency for scientific
research. The project is done in collaboration with researchers from
Harvard University, the Stockholm School of Economics, and the
University of Auckland.
Project description
Knowledge in society is often dispersed, with different individuals
holding different pieces of information. Decision markets are novel
mechanisms to harness this knowledge for decision-making. They combine
scoring rules to reward individuals for accurate forecasts with decision
rules to translate aggregated forecasts into decisions. Thereby they tie
votes on actions to incentivized forecasts of their consequences. In the
proposed research we will investigate fundamental properties of decision
markets, using theoretical approaches from forecasting and voting
theory, human-subject laboratory experiments, and practical applications
in the domain of science. Our research will help to tailor novel voting
mechanisms to specific real-world decision-making problems.
You will work on theoretical aspects of crowd-sourcing and
decision-making. A strong background is required in game theory,
mathematical economics, or political theory. The scholarship covers
international student fees, a monthly scholarship, and project-related
travel expenses. Further information is available at
To apply
Please send CV, copies of academic transcripts, contact information of
two referees, and a motivation letter to Prof. Thomas Pfeiffer
(T.Pfeiffer@massey.ac.nz). Closing date: 31st August, 2018.
From: Alun Lloyd <allloyd@ncsu.edu>
Date: Wed, Jul 18, 2018 at 9:03 PM
Subject: Post-doc: …of Insecticide Resistance in Mosquitoes, NC St U
Postdoc: Modeling Gene Drive and Evolution of Insecticide Resistance in
We (Fred Gould and Alun Lloyd, NC State University) recently received
funding from NIH for a project titled “Combining Aedes aegypti genomics
and modeling to improve gene drive strategies and our understanding of
insecticide resistance evolution”. Aedes aegypti is the primary vector
of dengue, Zika, chikungunya, and urban yellow fever. This project will
fund two postdocs; one who will do the genomics and bioinformatics
(individual already identified), and a second to work on the modeling
aspects (this position).
We have funding from the NIH to build mathematical models aimed at
assisting the design and deployment of gene drives for suppressing or
altering the characteristics of Aedes aegypti, the main vector of dengue
virus that impacts over 100 million people a year. Ae. aegypti has
substantial fine scale population structure but detailed parameter
estimates are lacking. Other work within the project is focused on
accurately estimating these parameters through genomic approaches.
We currently have a detailed model that simulates the population
dynamics and population genetics of Ae. aegypti in a city on the Amazon
river, Iquitos, for which there are rich data sets on both mosquito
dynamics and dengue epidemiology. The first main goal of our NIH grant
will be to incorporate the parameter values from the genomic analysis
into the detailed model, and to use the model for assessing the expected
performance of a variety of gene drive mechanisms in Iquitos and similar
Insecticides have been used to suppress Ae. aegypti in Iquitos since
2001. The mosquitoes have responded by evolving resistance. We are
fortunate to have samples of Ae. aegypti from the year 2001 to the
present and have already begun molecular analysis of signatures of
selection. The second main goal of our NIH grant is to use the detailed
mathematical model to evaluate hypotheses about the spatial and temporal
dynamics of insecticide resistance evolution that involves multiple
genes. This work will break new ground in efforts to control the
evolution of insecticide resistance and will also be informative about
the spread of resistance to gene drives.
The postdoc in this position will lead modeling efforts to achieve both
of the project goals. In addition to working with our detailed model,
the postdoc will have the option of developing more general models to
evaluate novel approaches to spatially/temporally limited gene drives
and examine impacts of specific gene drives on dengue virus
epidemiology. Our project is strengthened by collaborations with a
number of labs in the US and in Peru. The postdoc will interact with
members of these other research groups. There will be an opportunity for
some work in Peru. The initial appointment is for two years with the
potential for extension beyond that period.
We are looking for a postdoc with a solid background in population
biology and population genetics who has experience with modeling and who
wants to do applied research. Experience with C++ or related languages
is desirable. Ability to work independently and as a member of a team is
To apply: email a cover letter (including a list of two or three people
who we could contact to request letters of recommendation) and CV to
Fred_Gould@ncsu.edu and Alun_Lloyd@ncsu.edu .
From: Purcell, Sarah <s.purcell@exeter.ac.uk>
Date: Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 10:52 AM
Subject: Post-docs: EPSRC Centre for Predictive Modelling…, U Exeter
2 Postdoctoral Research Fellow roles – EPSRC Centre for Predictive
Modelling in Healthcare
University of Exeter, UK
Two Research Fellows are required to support the EPSRC Centre for
Predictive Modelling in Healthcare (CPMH). The roles are available from
01 October 2018, or a mutually agreeable date soon thereafter, for a
period of up to 24 months.
The successful candidates are expected to focus on one of the following
areas, depending on their interests and background:
(a) Transient dynamics of networks with multiple time scales: there are
significant mathematical challenges from disease modelling that require
the development of new techniques to understand transient behaviour in
multiple timescale systems, especially for systems where there is not a
simple factorization into fast and slow subsystems.
(b) Numerical investigation of models of cardiac diseases: involving
multi-scale excitable and transient dynamics, with a focus on re-entrant
arrhythmias specifically concerning development and improvements of
antiarrhythmia pacing, low-voltage defibrillation and catheter ablation.
[In partnership with cardiologists at the RD&E Hospital, Exeter].
(c) Mathematical modelling and analysis of EEG in dementia: EEG analysis
has shown promise in differentiating people with dementia from healthy
older adults, and therefore could provide indications for early
diagnosis. We will use mathematical models to better understand why
differences in EEG occur and combine models and analysis to build
improved diagnostic markers. [In partnership with colleagues in Bath,
Bristol & Reading].
(d) Mathematical modelling and analysis of polygenic disease: conditions
such as diabetes and dementia depend on the simultaneous presence of
several genes; they are not inherited as simply as single-gene diseases
and therefore require the development of new mathematical approaches to
improve diagnosis via e.g. the interpretation and uncertainty
quantification of proportions of patients in large data sets (e.g. UK
Biobank) using genetic risk scores. [In partnership with diabetologists
and neurologists from the Medical School].
For full details please see
Application deadline: 20 August 2018.
For further information please contact Centre Director Professor
John Terry, email J.Terry@exeter.ac.uk or telephone (01392) 725274, or
Centre Manager Sarah Purcell, email S.Purcell@exeter.ac.uk or telephone
01392 726447.
From: Henry Warchall <hwarchal@nsf.gov>
Date: Thu, Jul 19, 2018 at 12:35 PM
Subject: NSF: Update from DMS Division Director
It’s been five months since I started my new position as Division
Director and I thought I would take a minute to provide you with a short
First, let me start by thanking everybody who was kind enough to send me
an email on my appointment. It was truly humbling to see the many well
wishes and I appreciate your thoughts.
Up to this point I’ve been in what I call “listen and learn” mode. I’ve
been speaking with all of the program officers and other staff at NSF.
I’ve also had the opportunity to reach out to the leadership at the
major professional societies to introduce myself and ask for their
input. Luckily, the timing was good, and I was able to meet with many of
the professional societies, including the American Mathematical Society
and SIAM Science Policy Committees, the Conference Board of the
Mathematical Sciences, the American Statistical Association Board, the
Joint Policy Board for Mathematics, and the Committee on Applied and
Theoretical Statistics. At these meetings I had the opportunity to hear
directly from the societies, and the discussions yielded numerous
suggestions that I will be following up.
If you’re interested, we have posted all of the talks at
www.nsf.gov/mps/dms/presentations.jsp. This is a new link that
you will find on the main DMS web pages. We plan to maintain a list of
all the public presentations so that the community can learn more about
While I had always been aware of the many wonderful programs that DMS
supports, I have been truly impressed by both the depth and breadth of
the research portfolio. DMS funds about 63% of all basic mathematics
research in the US; with a budget of $233M in FY17 it turns out that
there are a lot of programs to learn about. One of my goals is to
provide DMS program highlights in these communications that I hope the
community will find interesting. In the meantime, you can find
information on all the DMS programs at:
More importantly, please be aware that the proposal deadlines for many
of the programs were changed this year. You can find the latest
information on deadlines at:
One recent exciting development was the creation of four new centers for
Mathematics of Complex Biological Systems, each of which was funded for
$10M over 5 years. These centers are collaborations between DMS and the
Biology Directorate at NSF and in close partnership with the Simons
Foundation. The goal of these centers is to combine expertise from
mathematicians, molecular cell biologists, and organismal biologists to
study how genes translate into all of the diverse phenotypes we see
today. (www.nsf.gov/news/news_summ.jsp?cntn_id=245523&org=DMS&from=news)
Other exciting activities that we’re working on are related to NSF’s 10
Big Ideas (www.nsf.gov/news/special_reports/big_ideas/). The Big
Ideas represent cutting-edge research areas that will drive NSF’s
long-term research agenda. In particular, Harnessing the Data
Revolution, Quantum Leap, and Understanding the Rules of Life all have
interesting and challenging mathematical problems. Dear Colleague
Letters have already gone out on the Quantum Leap and Understanding
the Rules of Life Ideas, while Harnessing the Data Revolution already
has several ongoing activities. As these activities develop, I will
follow up to alert you to upcoming opportunities.
That’s it for this message, but if you have any thoughts on what you’d
like me to write about in the future, I urge you to send me an email.
Juan C. Meza
Division Director
Division of Mathematical Sciences
Subject: SMBnet Reminders
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