May 16, 2018
- Ray Mejía (digest.ray@gmail.com)
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Issue’s Topics:
AAi Short Course – ‘R Programming – Stage 3 (Advanced)’ – Friday 25 May
The IBA Distinguished Senior & Junior Fellowships
Postdoc Position in Control Theoretical Approaches Against Infections
Correction: Postdoc, Bioinformatics and Systems Immunology, UNSW
Postdoc: computational hemodynamics, hemostasis, and thrombosis
Postdoc Research Associate, Math Biology, ASU
Tenure-track Position: Department of Mathematics, Trento, Italy
Registration Open for Next AIBS Communications Boot Camp
SMBnet Reminders
from: Colin Wise <Colin.Wise@uts.edu.au>
date: Fri, May 11, 2018 at 2:30 AM
subject: AAi Short Course – ‘R Programming – Stage 3 (Advanced)’ – Friday 25 May
Dear Colleague,
AAi Short Course – ‘R Programming – Stage 3 (Advanced)’ – Friday 25 May 2018
The AAI short course ‘R Programming – Stage 3 (Advanced) may well be of
interest to you and your organisation and key personnel.
R Programming – Stage 3 is the advanced R Programming one (1) day short course
for those who have completed R Programming – Stage 1 and or 2 and or those who
already use R Programming and consider themselves having an above average
working knowledge of R Programming.
from: Akman, Olcay <oakman@ilstu.edu>
date: Sat, May 12, 2018 at 12:57 PM
resent-from: Amina Eladdadi <eladdadi@gmail.com>
subject: The IBA Distinguished Senior & Junior Fellowships
The Intercollegiate Biomathematics Alliance and the Center for Collaborative
Studies in Mathematical Biology have established two awards to honor the
scholars with outstanding contributions to mathematical biology.
The IBA Distinguished Senior Fellowship will be awarded to established senior
scholars who have made outstanding scientific achievements, demonstrated a
record of exceptional scientific contributions and active leadership in
mathematical biology both as researchers and educators.
The IBA Distinguished Junior Fellowship will be awarded to those who have a
strong record of significant independent research accomplishments that
demonstrate creativity and the potential to become future leaders in the
mathematical biology community.
For more information on each of these awards, nomination criteria, and
procedure, and to access to the nomination form, please visit IBA Distinguished
Fellowship page
Nominations for the Distinguished Senior Fellowship Award will be accepted
until August 17, and this year’s winner will be announced during the Symposium
on BEER in October 2018.
We hope that you will consider nominating a deserving colleague.
from: Esteban Vargas <vargas@fias.uni-frankfurt.de>
date: Fri, May 11, 2018 at 7:41 AM
subject: Postdoc Position in Control Theoretical Approaches Against Infections
Postdoc Position in Control Theoretical Approaches Against Infections
The group of Systems Medicine at the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies
invites applications for a Postdoc position in control theoretical approaches
against infections.
Major duties:
· Analyze clinical and experimental data from collaborators using machine
learning and statistical approaches.
· Develop novel control and observer algorithms to combat diseases.
· Develop mathematical models describing diseases using deterministic models,
stochastic models, and compartmental models.
· Publish research findings in scientific journals and present them at major
scientific meetings.
· A PhD degree in a quantitatively-oriented field, such as engineering,
computer science or applied mathematics.
· Excellent command of English.
· Knowledge in analytical and quantitative methods.
· Experience in MATLAB, Python or R, and LaTex.
· Knowledge of immunology is a plus.
Please send questions or your application with a motivation letter, outlining
your interest in the position, along with your curriculum vitae which should
include the names and contact details of three referees, to
Positions are open until filled.
from: Fabio Luciani <luciani@unsw.edu.au>
date: Wed, May 9, 2018 at 7:58 PM
subject: Correction: Postdoc, Bioinformatics and Systems Immunology, UNSW
This is an exciting opportunity for postdocs that wish to pursue an academics
career in interdisciplinary environment and work on single cell multi-omics in
immunology and virology. We are seeking a talented researcher with a
background in quantitative disciplines, ideally Computational Biology,
Bioinformatics, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics to join an interdisciplinary
and vibrant research group at Kirby Institute, University of New South Wales,
Sydney Australia.
The Viral Immunology Systems Program (VISP) is a collaborative team of
clinicians and scientists encompassing the clinical disciplines of infectious
diseases and epidemiology, as well as translational studies in the disciplines
of immunology, virology, and systems biology (bioinformatics, statistics and
mathematical modelling).
This position will focus on the development and application of bioinformatics
and statistical approaches (including machine learning approaches) for
analysing and interpreting single cell (scRNAseq), flow cytometry, and
epigenetics data (ATAC-seq) of immune cells. This novel systems approach is
currently being applied to the study of immune responses against viral
infections (HCV, influenza), and adoptive cell transfer immunotherapies, such
as CAR T-cells.
For more details please contact Associate Professor Fabio Luciani
For more details visit
from: Wei, Guowei <weig@msu.edu>
date: Tue, May 15, 2018 at 10:21 AM
subject: Postdoc: computational hemodynamics, hemostasis, and thrombosis
I am seeking an experienced postdoc to work on computational modeling of
hemodynamics, hemostasis and/or thrombosis and their interactions with
intervention drugs. The ideal candidate will hold a Ph.D. degree in
computational biomechanics, bioengineering, mathematics, computer science,
computational biophysics, or bioinformatics, and have extensive experience in
code development and demonstrated the potential for excellence in research.
Applications consisting of a letter of application, current vita, and
descriptions of research plans and teaching experience should be submitted via
www.mathjobs.org/jobs (Michigan State University). In addition, candidates
should arrange for at least three letters of recommendations, which may be
submitted on the same website.
To receive full consideration the complete application must be received by June
20, 2018, but applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
Please send an email to wei@math.msu.edu to acknowledge your application.
Depending on experience, the annual salary is at least $48,000, in additional
to standard faculty benefits.
from: Erika Camacho <Erika.Camacho@asu.edu>
date: Tue, May 15, 2018 at 8:20 PM
subject: Postdoc Research Associate, Math Biology, ASU
Post-doctoral Research Associate (Mathematical Biology) The School of
Mathematical and Natural Sciences at Arizona State University (ASU) seeks
applicants for a postdoctoral research position in Applied Mathematics or
Computational Biology (see department info at newcollege.asu.edu/mns).
Given the multidisciplinary nature of the research, a highly self-directed,
creative and self-motivated individual is sought. The position is a one-year
full-time fiscal-year appointment with an anticipated start date of 7/1/18.
Salary range is dependent on experience, with associated University benefits.
Even though the deadline has passed we are still seeking applicants.
Please see
from: Andrea Caranti <andrea.caranti@unitn.it>
date: Wed, May 16, 2018 at 4:01 AM
subject: Tenure-track Position: Department of Mathematics, Trento, Italy
Applications should be submitted exclusively through the web site
The deadline for applications is 7 June 2018 at 13:00 CEST.
from: Robert Gropp <rgropp@aibs.org>
date: Fri, May 11, 2018 at 9:11 AM
resent-from: Raymond Mejía <raymejia@gmail.com>
subject: Registration Open for Next AIBS Communications Boot Camp
We have just opened registration for our next AIBS Communications Training Boot
Camp for Scientists. The program will be held in Washington, DC, this October
A link to the registration page is:
Please alert any students, colleagues or collaborators.
We’re updating promotional materials and will share these with you when ready.
subject: SMBnet Reminders
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