Travel Grants

The Board of Directors provides grants of up to $750 to facilitate attendance and participation at mathematical biology meetings other than the Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology.


  • Applicants must be active and current members of the Society. Membership is required for at least one year prior to requesting funds.
  • Preference will be given to junior scientists (students, post-docs, and non-tenured junior faculty) who do not have sufficient travel funds from other sources. Senior scientists with insufficient travel funds may also be supported, but with lower priority.
  • Applicants must be active participants in the meeting for which funds are requested (i.e., must be giving a paper or poster or attending a relevant course).
  • Priority will be given to individuals who have not received a travel grant from the Society for Mathematical Biology within the last five years.


The application packaged should consist of:

  • A letter stating when and where the meeting will be held and how the proposed meeting will contribute to the applicant’s research. Indicate applicant’s professional status (i.e., undergraduate student, Master’s student, PhD student, post-doc, etc.) as well.
  • A copy of an abstract for a proposed talk or poster. If no abstract is available, indicate more specifically what will be done at the meeting and why attendance is important for future career goals.
  • A summary expected travel expenses, indicating the amount of funding received or requested from other sources.
  • A letter of recommendation from applicant’s supervisor (if a student or post-doc) or colleague, including verification of applicant’s professional status and need to attend the meeting for which funds are requested.

Applications are evaluated by the Board of Directors on a continuous basis, and decisions on the applications are expected to be sent within 6 weeks of acknowledgement of receipt of the application.

Submission for support must be made to the Society’s secretary.

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